Take Advantage of our Special Offer !
We are offering you 3 months of free billing trial. You have no risk what so ever. We will prove to you that we can collect more money for you than you can collect for yourself ! All at no risk to you!

Complete RCM
With current times it is difficult to maintain a billing office. ICD 10, HIPAA, OSHA and all other regulations compel physicians tied physicians to divert attention to non-core activities, rather than focus on providing the attention and care they would like to provide for their patients. Here is where we come in, by helping you with one less thing to worry about – AND THAT IS MOST IMPORTANTLY, WORRYING ABOUT REGULATIONS AFFECTING YOUR REVENUE. With our help you can concentrate on your patients and the best care that you have expertise in. Our technology driven billing service can improve your bottom line.

Medical Billing
We provide complete medical billing solution. Using newer technology, we provide cutting edge solution for your practice. All you need to do is to take the best care of your patients. That is it. Now RELAX and let your mind be at peace. We will take care of the rest of all cumbersome and complicated processes from billing claims, collecting, appealing when required, making sure nothing is left on the table. Our solution can get you your payments as early as a week after the claims hit the insurance companies’ systems. Check our services page to find out more.

Medical Consulting
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